Sunday, May 11, 2014

Quote-A-Day: Day 131

A mother is everything she wants to be and everything she must be.

Happy Mother's Day to all!  While I can't speak from experience of being a mom, I can speak from experience of being a parent.

Being a parent, in any capacity, can be a challenge.  It is probably the thing in life we love most while at the same time being the thing in life that challenges us most.  We wake up each morning smiling at the sight of our children, and go to be each evening wondering if we've taught them well that day.

I know that growing up I had my moments (I wasn't always the best son I probably could have been).  Yet, my mom did the best she could, and a generation later, I know that my wife does everything she can to be the best possible mother to our children.

Being a mother puts her in a position where she does everything she wants to for our children, and everything she must do.  it is something I thank her for regularly, but something I should thank her for daily.  Truly.

There is much that leaders can learn from a mother.  Firstly, and most importantly, that everyone deserves love and respect.  Without a mother's love, it can be very difficult to become the type of people we hope to become.  Secondly, that we need to develop the patience to deal with situations that frustrate us and stress us.  Goodness knows we all need more patience.

To my mom, thank you for all that you have done for me.  To my wife, thank you for all that you have done for our children (and me).

Enjoy your day.

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