Thursday, December 18, 2014

Quote-A-Day: Day 353

Turns out that when we give to others, we're actually also giving to ourselves. #QuoteADay #Day353 #edchat #satchat #NYedchat #HappyHolidays

Today is a day filled with giving for me.  In a few moments, my supervisor and I will be sharing holiday gifts with our program assistants.

Later, we’ll be taking out our department to lunch, along with three of the agency’s program administrators.

Then, our administrative unit will be meeting for a Yankee swap at the end of the day.

While giving often involves giving a lot of ourselves (energy, emotion, finances), we also get when we give.

It’s not a revolutionary idea, but it is an important one: When we give to others, we’re also giving to ourselves.

The act of giving not only makes those who are receiving happy but it also provides joy for those who are doing the gifting.  There is something powerful about both sharing and receiving a gift; in fact, despite the work and capacity involved in giving, the best leaders understand that only through giving is there ever anything that can be taken.

As you continue through the holiday season, realize that all that you give will come back to benefit you and those around you. 

When we give, we also get.

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