Friday, October 31, 2014

Quote-A-Day: Day 305

May you always lead with #treats, rather than with #tricks. #QuoteADay #Day305 #edchat #edu #Lead #Learn #HappyHalloween

Halloween is an interesting holiday.  Most leaders I know either love it or detest it.  Regardless, it is a time that most students, particularly young ones enjoy, and as leaders we have to acknowledge the fact that events we may wish were over faster may also be events that some people look forward to all year long.

Here at my BOCES, we set up the administration building with all sorts of Halloween decorations.  In our curriculum department, this year we chose the theme of the Wizard of Oz, and we’ve decked out the department accordingly.  See below:

I’m going as the yellow brick road (thank you Zappos boxes); others on our team are going as flying monkeys, the Tin Man, and of course, Dorothy.  You name it, someone is likely dressing up as it.

Why do we do this?

Because we want to lead with treats.

Our administration building is across the street from our special education buildings.  Our BOCES serves students with a myriad of intensive special needs, and for some of our students, visiting the administration building on Halloween is some of the most fun they have all year long.

Think about that.

All year long.

So, it falls on us to make sure that, regardless of what we really think of Halloween, we lead with treats and not tricks, and give these students a morning to remember.

In all of our leadership work, we must do this.  Regardless of our personal feelings, if we can raise the spirits of one person we serve, we should do whatever we can to make it happen.

So lead with treats, rather than tricks.  You’ll end up being happier for it too.

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