Saturday, March 1, 2014

Quote-A-Day: Day 60

No matter how busy your life is, everyone needs at least ten minutes to stop and .

(So far so good.  I've been able to create a quote a day for the first two months of the year.  Ten more to go!)

Show me somebody who isn't busy all the time, and I'll show you somebody who truly has a gift (whether they know it or not).

With our lives consumed by everything under the sun, it's rare to have the time to sit, think, and contemplate the world around us.

Yet, that reflection, that ability to sit and think, even for a few minutes, is what lets us truly be creative and come up with problems, ideas, and solutions, that we never would have thought of if we hadn't let our minds wander.

That wandering is so important, because a life without reflection is a life that is a chore.  Reflection lets us think up what we want to do and where we want to go next, and without it, we're good as stuck.

So, how do you make sure you build reflection into your life?  The easiest way is to schedule it.


Build a reflection time into your daily calendar, and try to sync it with the time of day when you are most productive.  It doesn't have to be long; ten or twenty minutes might be all that you need.

But you do need it, believe me.  I tend to like to reflect first thing in the morning when I arrive at work, and I also reflect well when I'm by myself in the car.  Today, I'm reflecting as I write this at the Starbucks on Mill Plain Road in Danbury, CT.  My eldest daughter is in ballet class, and while I wait for her, I've spent some time reflecting deeply (and writing).

Regardless of what time/structure works best for you, do whatever you can to reflect regularly.  Your growth as a leader and a learner depends on it.

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