Thursday, April 10, 2014

Quote-A-Day: Day 100

Milestones aren't made to be met. They're made to be broken.

A milestone is just a marker.  When you reach it, you can't stop.  You have to keep going.

So, when we create goals, benchmarks, or milestones, the true goal is never to reach them, but simply to use them as stepping stones to reach further, to reach higher.

Life is made up of benchmarks, and if we use the example of life, once we hit those milestones (getting married, having kids, turning 40, etc.) we don't just stop.  Rather, we reach for other milestones and keep continuing on, if for no other reason than to see what the world throws our way.

With that in mind, we should see milestones as simply rest stops on the road we continuously travel.  We can acknowledge their existence, stop to stretch our legs, and then continue on.  There is simply no other option.

Today I hit the hundredth post in my Quote-A-Day challenge.  There have been some days where I have multiple quotes I feel would be worthy to share.  There have been other days where my mind has been fried and I just haven't felt like thinking deeply or critically.  But, I soldier on, because stopping at any point other than December 31st isn't really an option.  This has been a test for both my quoting ability as well as my resolve to keep an otherwise "unmandated" process going, if for no other reason than to see if I can do it.

And do it I shall.

Life is about constantly learning how we, as individuals, work.  Sometimes we surprise ourselves (both in the positive and the negative).

And that's a good thing, because if we never learned something new about ourselves, there would be no more milestones to reach.

I'm happy to know that even when I complete this challenge at the end of December, there will be other milestones to meet.  Challenge, in essence, is a testament to how beautiful life can be.  I'm happy I've accepted this challenge (even if I'm the only one reading these posts. :) ).

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