Thursday, June 5, 2014

Quote-A-Day: Day 156

Those who spend all their time trying to convince others they know all, prove to all that they know little. #QuoteADay#Day156 #edchat #edu

What is it about proving oneself that gets people so caught up in the practice? 
Is it because we feel that if we showcase what we think we know, it will make others respect us more?
Is it because we believe that the only way to show expertise is by pontificating?
Or, is it because we are secretly worried about how little we know?
Regardless, as a general society, we have a habit of trying to convince others about all that we know.  In most cases, what we end up doing, however, is showcasing how little we know, and how removed we are from what really matters.
The truest test of knowledge, the best gauge of expertise, is an ability to know when to share information, and when to sit back and listen.  Those who are confident with what they know (and what they don’t) tend to be more likely to allow others to take the lead; the best leaders are those that lead through showing what they know, rather than telling.
While it can be difficult for us to avoid sometimes taking on a “bragging” stance, the benefit of active listening is tremendous.  When we’re speaking, it is more difficult for us to learn, as we are often concentrating on the what, and the how, of our words.  But, when we listen, when we sit back and observe, we can put more of ourselves into learning, and this is what truly matters.
The people around us don’t need to be convinced of what we know (or don’t).  In most cases, they are already quite aware.  Rather than waste time and energy trying to promote how smart we are, aren’t we better off promoting the learning we’re engaged in, and the learning of others?

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