Saturday, June 21, 2014

Quote-A-Day: Day 172

No matter the season, need to exhibit warmth, and do their best to reduce clouds+fog.

Welcome to summer!  While summer is the time we often associate with warmth, lots of sunshine, and reflection and vacation, we need to remember that our communities look to us to exhibit all the sunshine and warmth that the summer brings, regardless of what actual season we're in.

Summer is a great analogy for a general view of successful leadership personality.  As leaders, we have to exhibit warmth and sunshine to our stakeholders, even if internally we're having a bad day or just heard frustrating news.  We have to remember that for many, we may be the guiding light that steers moods and emotions throughout the day, so we have to always put on both a happy and "ready to learn" face.

The same goes for warmth.  We have to be welcoming to all who enter our doors, making both new and old students, parents, community members, and businesses feel welcome at all times.  Our buildings and districts (or any organization we work in for that matter) must also be warm and feel, in many ways, like a home.

On the flip side, we have to reduce cloudiness and fog, by being as open, transparent, and clear as we can be.  Nothing sours the day like a poorly communicated message.  We are, after all, a species that thrives on creating and sharing messages.

Sure, there can be storms that come and go, and every leader and school system should be allowed to have multiple bad days (hey, that's life, right?).  But, the best leaders operate like every season is summer, helping all learners they serve to bask in the warmth of learning every day.

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