Saturday, January 25, 2014

Quote-A-Day: Day 25

Truly great understand they should be seen, even more than heard.

Leaders tend to like to speak a lot.  Quite often, they speak more than they should.  Even the most introverted leader often considers it a responsibility to share opinions, and speak out for a cause.  Most leaders, at least in one form or another, feel that the role of "mouthpiece" is a necessary one.

And they would be right.

Yet, some leaders tend to gravitate towards information giving and start to forget about the importance of information receiving.  No conversation ever took place in which one person did all the talking, right?  So it stands to reason that leaders, if they believe in the importance of open and honest conversation, must take a step back and watch and listen.

The most effective leaders speak when they need to, but make their presence known in other ways.  The school leader who makes it a priority to walk the halls, pop into teachers' classrooms, and stand outside when buses arrive and depart often builds more capacity and community than the leader who sounds off at any given opportunity.

This means that we need to make sure our schedules allow time for us to share our thoughts, and even more time for us to watch and listen to what others are sharing.

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