Saturday, January 4, 2014

Quote-A-Day: Day 4

Today's quote:

Never underestimate power of positive conversation.  Contrary to popular belief, we can accomplish more by talking about it.  #QuoteADay #Day4

This morning I had the chance to get involved in #satchat, an excellent Saturday morning chat session for educators and those interested in talking about education.  With two young daughters, it is hard to find the time for weekend chats, but I was happy to be able to make the time today.  Like most educational chats I've participated in, #satchat is equal parts inspiring and eye-opening; causing a participant to both reflect on his/her actions and contemplate how to keep getting better. 

In thinking of the benefit of collaborative discussion, I was struck by the fact that we often equate conversation with inaction.  We've often heard (and likely often said), "We need less talk and more doing."  Yet, after a powerful discussion, we can actually end up with more doing than if we had embarked on action alone.

To me, it seems that the better frame is to make sure we talk quite a bit, and enough to truly motivate our processes.  However, our talk has to be focused, positive, and collaborative, if ti is going to truly lead to the action we all want to take.

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