Sunday, August 24, 2014

Quote-A-Day: 236

Nothing says "commitment" like taking action. #QuoteADay #Day236 #edchat #edu #ASCDL2L #TakeAction

Yesterday, I was participating in #satchat, something I love to do when I can steal a few minutes on a Saturday morning (which both unfortunately and fortunately, is a rare thing).  The topic of the conversation was on PLCs, what they are, and how digital PLCs are different from face-to-face ones.

One of the areas I was wondering is how do we go from PLC (Professional Learning Community) to PAC (Professional Acting Community)?  This is an important question in my eyes, as one area I've always struggled with regarding chats is how to go from having amazing conversations to using what I've learned to do amazing things for learners.

While I've found myself putting things into practice from face-to-face interactions and other PLC modes (like Voxer chats) I haven't had as much success with Twitter.  I'm not sure what it is.  Maybe it's the speed of the chat.  Maybe it's because there are so many people that I don't really know. Or maybe it is just me.

Regardless, I was thinking about how to give Twitter chats an action boost.  So, I'm wondering about the creation of a #ChatAndAct, a chat where participants would engage in a discussion and then some would put an instructional change into practice.

A structure could look like this: thirty minutes of discussion around a timely topic.  Two or three participants would then volunteer to put some sort of change into practice based on the chat.  During the next chat time, the volunteers would share what they've done using any media they like (Google Hangout, Voxer chat, screencast, etc.) during the first thirty minutes of the chat period.  All participants would then explore a different topic during the second thirty minutes.


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