Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Quote-A-Day: Day 274

No matter the #role, no matter the #task, the best #leaders know that nothing is beneath them. #QuoteADay #Day274 #edchat #edu 

It doesn’t matter what your role is as a leader, everything is potentially within your purview.  As leaders, we have to remember that we aren’t leaders just to share our expertise.  We’re leaders because we also can help others when they need us most.

A quick story (and by no means am I implicating that I am a “great” leader):

Yesterday, one of our staff members was really strapped for time.  In effect, she was doing the job of two people (one of our other team members has just gone on maternity leave, and her leave replacement is just getting up to speed).  In addition, she was just asked to take on something else.  Knowing this, I took on her role of stuffing and organizing folders for a workshop today.  It was a task I was happy to assist with, as it needed to get done, and my colleague was too busy to be able to do it (or to be able to do it as she normally would).

At the end of the day, she said, “Fred, I just want to thank you for taking care of those folders for me.  I felt like I would never get to them.  I responded, “No thanks necessary.  That’s what we do here.”
And it needs to be.  If, as leaders, we aren’t willing to take on any job or role, then what are we teaching those we serve?  A leader might not be able to be everything to everyone, but the best leaders can be anyone at any time. 

As we consider what we want for our future leaders of society, one of those “wants” should be to cultivate a population that never feels as if they can’t (or won’t) do something, simply because of the position they hold.

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